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Adventskonzerte 2024

30.11. Albersweiler Bergkirche 18:00 Uhr


Knöringen (Adventsfest)
07.12. Birkenhördt
St. Gallus 17:00 Uhr
22.12. Herxheim
St. Maria Himmelfahrt 17:00 Uhr
26.04. Nussdorf
hist. Bauernkriegshaus



Zum besseren Verstehen und Mitsingen hier die Texte unserer Songs:
Soweit vorhanden, sind Hörproben hinterlegt

Scottish Folk and Traditionals

All for One
Amazing Grace
Are you Sleepin Maggie?
As I Came in by Fisherrow
Black Velvet Band (Irisches Traditional)
Bonnie Dundee
Cam ye oer frae France
Come by the Hills
Dainty Davy
Drunken Sailor
Dumbartons Drums
Farewell to Tarwathie
Flower of Scotland
Follow me up to Carlow
Greenwood Side
Im a Rover
Jock Stewart
Johnnie Cope
Joy of my Heart
Lizzy Lindsay
Loch Lomond

Maggie Lauder
Mount and Go
Nancy Whiskey
ORO ORO (Finbar Furey)

Raggle, Taggle Gipsy
Scotland the Brave
Tae the Weavers
The Barnyards of Delgaty
The Big Explosion
The Bonnie Lass Ofyvie
The Bonnie Ship the Diamond
The Gipsy Laddy
The Great Ships
The McGregors
The Rocky Road to Dublin
The Skye Boat Song
The Yew Tree
Traditional Irish Folk Song (Denis Leary)
Tranent Muir
Whiskey in the Jar
Wild Mountain Thyme
Ye Banks and Breas
Ye Jacobites

  23rd. Psalm in Scotts (vertont von Chris)
At the sound of the bagpipe (Chris)
Brave in our Heart (Lochi)
In God Your're not Alone
Islands lament (Lochi)
  Merry Christmas (Lochi)
Simple love song (Lochi)
The hearts of Scotland (Lochi)
Time (Chris)

A Room With A View
Annies Song
Boat on the River
Chi mi'n geamhradh
Dirty old town
Dust in the wind
Every River
Father And Son
Fields of Gold
Hearts of Olden Glory
John Browns Body


Knocking on Heaven's Door
Lord of the Dance
Mad World
Maybe (Thom Pace)
Mull of Kintyre
My Bonnie is over the ocean
Norwegian Wood
Precious Years
Road to Mandaley
Sound of Silence (Simon and Garfunkel)
Tears in Heaven
Teach Your Children
The Rose
Rose Tatoo