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16.05. Leimersheim
13.06. Landeck - Johannisfeuer
27.06. Burg Münzenburg
05.09. Landeck - Saisonabschluss

17:00 Uhr

05.12.2020 St. Gallus, Birkenhördt,
17:00 Uhr


Chi mi'n geamhradh

Chi mi'n geamhradh anns a' ghaoith
Chaneil an sneachd' fada bhuainn
Sgothan dorch' 's na craobhan ruisgt
Tha an oidhche nochd fuar

Shaoilean fhein gur ann an de
Bha teas an t-samhraidh 'gar leaghadh
Fad an fheasgair air an Dun
'S tu laighe leisg ri mo thaobh

'S iomadh oidhch' a rinn sinn suiridhe
'S iomadh oidhch' a rinn sinn gair
'S ionadh oidhch' a bhithinn a'smuaintinn
Gum bitheadh tu comhla ruim gu brath

Chan fhan a' ghrian fad na bliadhna
Cha sheas an uair mar a tha i
Dh'fhalbh thusa gu'n a'cheo
'S dh'fhag thu mi le mo geamhradh

'S iomadh oidhch' a rinn sinn suiridhe
'S iomadh oidhch' a rinn sinn gair
'S ionadh oidhch' a bhithinn a'smuaintinn
Gum bitheadh tu comhla ruim gu brath.

Chi mi'n geamhradh 'as a' ghaoith
Chaneil an sneachd' fada bhuainn
Sgothan dorch' 's na craobhan ruisgt
Tha an oidhche nochd fuar
Tha an oidhche nochd fuar
Tha an oidhche nochd fuar

I See the Winter (English translation)
I see the winter in the wind
The snow is not far from us
Dark clouds and the trees losing leaf
The night is cold

So often it feels that it was only yesterday
The summer heat melted us
All evening long out on the Dun
And you lying lazy by my side

Many nights we loved
Many nights we laughed
Many times I thought
That you would have stayed forever

But the sun never shines all year
Time will not stay as it once was
You left for the city
Leaving me to my winter

Many nights we loved
Many nights we laughed
Many times I thought
That you would have stayed forever.

I see the winter in the wind
The snow is not far from us
Dark clouds and the trees losing leaf
The night is cold
The night is cold
The night is cold