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16.05. Leimersheim
13.06. Landeck - Johannisfeuer
27.06. Burg Münzenburg
05.09. Landeck - Saisonabschluss

17:00 Uhr

05.12.2020 St. Gallus, Birkenhördt,
17:00 Uhr


A Room With A Few
we live in
a room with a view
we make love at
a room with a view

we found ourselves
a room with a view
we're bound to start
a happy life with love

if you open the window
the world starts to move
but in this room
we're alone
just the two of us
forever just the two of us
forever just the two of us

we live in
a room with a view
taylor-made clothes and
great interior design
a puppy and a television
and a big fridge

outside our window
in the world out there
there does not seem to be
any good news
but today again
just the two of us
forever just the two of us
forever just the two of us

if you open the window
and cry out loud
to the entire world
just the two of us
forever just the two of us

we live in
a room with a view
'happily ever after'
sounds really boring
a room with a view