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16.05. Leimersheim
13.06. Landeck - Johannisfeuer
27.06. Burg Münzenburg
05.09. Landeck - Saisonabschluss

17:00 Uhr

05.12.2020 St. Gallus, Birkenhördt,
17:00 Uhr


At the Sound of the Bagpipe

Its been a long time since we sat at the fire
A wee dram of whiskey to light up the night
Yet ready for service to save the empire
If called by our king in the days early light.

The mist in the meadow was grey, wet and heavy
As if sent by a wizard to hount our day
But there throung the fog we could hear our piper
The sound of the bagpipe - it showed us the way.

No matter how far we are parted my friend
Well meet one another again in the end
No weather no woman can hold up a man
At the sound of the bagpipe united again.

They sat in a tavern, their cups full of whiskey
They shouted and cursed and they got into fight
They argued with fists, with their legs and their bodys
They beated each other to see who was right.

A table was broken, a chair and some glasses
The fellows tried hard to come to an end
But when our piper played Up in the Mountains
The fellows made peace and turned round to the band!

The years have been passing, we both went our own ways
We settled and married each one of his own
Our king sent us home and he freed us from service
To build up a new life. to leave us alone.

But once every year, when the winter is coming
We meet at the fire with whiskey and beer
Our ladies may scold as much as they want to
They wont hold us back from uniting just here

(c) Michael Kirchmer