Maggie Lauder - Rap the Ranter (reinhören)
Wha wadna be
in love
Wi' bonnie Maggie Lauder?
A piper met her guan to Fife,
And pier'd what was't they ca'd her;
Right scornfully she answer'd him,
Began you hall shaker,
Jog on your gate,
ye bladderscate,
My name is Maggie Lauder.
Maggie, quo
he, and by my bags
I'm fidgin' fain to see the;
Sit down by me, my bonnie bird,
In troth I winna steer thee:
My name is Rob the Ranter;
The lasses loup as they were daft,
When I blaw up my chanter.
Piper, quo
Meg, hae ye your bags,
Or is your drone in order?
If ye be Rob, I've heard of you,
Live ye upon the border?
The lasses a', baith far and near
Hae hear o' Rob the Ranter;
I'll shake my foot wi' right goo-will,
Fig ye'll blaw up your chanter.
Then to his
bags he flew wi' speed,
About the drone he twisted;
Meg up and walloped o'er the gree,
For brawly could she frisk it.
Weel done, quo' he: play up, quo' she:
Weel bobb'd, quo Rob the Ranter;
It's worth my while to play, indeed,
When I hae sic a dancer.
Weel hae you
play'd your part, quo' Meg,
Your cheeks are like the crimson;
There's nane in Scotland plays sae weel,
Sin' we lost Habby Simson.
I've live'd in Fife, baith maid and wife,
These ten years and a quarter;
Gin ye should come to Anster fair,
Spier ye for Maggie Lauder.